RCRC is seeking approval from the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) for start-up funding to carry out RCRC’s 2024-2025 Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP). Redwood Coast Regional Center is seeking to contract with an existing housing development organization (HDO) to develop new construction of an affordable multi-family housing complex in Humboldt or Del Norte County. This complex would be developed in accordance with Federal and State Housing laws that target individuals with developmental disabilities and general low income individuals and families. Up to twenty five percent (25%) of the housing units will be set aside for use by RCRC clients only. The goal of the project will be to provide affordable housing options for individuals who receive RCRC services in an integrated setting using the Community Placement Plan Guidelines for Purchasing and Developing Permanent Housing. Please review the full RFP at the link provided below.


This RFP is closed.

Prior to completing the RFP, interested parties should contact:
Leah Thompson
Community Resource Coordinator-CPP
Email: lthompson@redwoodcoastrc.org