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Notice from Redwood Coast Regional Center
Pursuant to Assembly Bill (AB) 1278, as RCRC may have physicians scheduling appointments for those we serve within our offices from time to time, we are posting this notice:
For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov . The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.
From the Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA):
On March 30th, we will be holding our next public webinar, on the Self-Determination Program (SDP). This event is for people served by regional centers and their families who want to learn more about this service.
We’ll be talking about the philosophy, principles, and history of SDP, and the role of the planning team. Register online to join us Thursday, March 30th, from 2-3pm.
Once you register for this public event, forward this on to your friends and ask them to join in, too! March 30 2023 Webinar SDP
For Persons Served by RCRC – Health and Wellness Information Bulletin from the Department of Developmental Services
A message from Redwood Coast Regional Center Executive Director, Dr. Kimberly Smalley
At Redwood Coast Regional Center, we stand firm with others within California, across the nation, and the world in decrying recent events. We recognize the diverse backgrounds of the communities which RCRC serves, and endorse ongoing efforts to work with community partners to address disparity, racism, discrimination, and injustice. We remain committed to the rights of eligible individuals and families to equitable access to services. We understand that our diversity is a source of strength and that we must work with all members of our community to ensure that all of us share in the promise of justice and liberty. In a rapidly changing political and economic environment, we will be doing our best as a Regional Center to be responsive to the needs and aspirations of those we serve.
In the coming months, we will be creating opportunities for communication and dialogue with clients and families, our service provider community, and valued community partners to educate and advocate. We will use our collective wisdom and creativity, to maintain a strong, just, sustainable, and culturally responsive community.
Kim Smalley, PhD
Executive Director
Un mensaje de la Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Regional de Redwood Coast, Dra. Kimberly Smalley
En Redwood Coast Regional Center, nos mantenemos firmes con otros en California, en todo el país y en el mundo, denunciando los eventos recientes. Reconocemos los diversos orígenes de las comunidades a las que sirve RCRC, y respaldamos los esfuerzos continuos para trabajar con socios de la comunidad para abordar la disparidad, el racismo, la discriminación y la injusticia. Seguimos comprometidos con los derechos de las personas y familias elegibles al acceso equitativo a los servicios. Entendemos que nuestra diversidad es una fuente de fortaleza, y que debemos trabajar con todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad para garantizar que todos compartamos la promesa de justicia y libertad. En un entorno político y económico que cambia rápidamente, haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo como Centro Regional para responder a las necesidades y aspiraciones de aquellos a quienes servimos.
En los próximos meses, crearemos oportunidades para la comunicación y el diálogo con clientes y familias, nuestra comunidad de proveedores de servicios y socios comunitarios valiosos para educar y defender. Utilizaremos nuestra sabiduría y creatividad colectiva para mantener una comunidad fuerte, justa, sostenible y culturalmente receptiva.
Kim Smalley, PhD
Directora ejecutiva
Volunteer Board Member Needed:
The Board of Directors for Redwood Coast Regional Center is seeking one interested individual, age 18 or older, to fill a board vacancy from any of RCRC’s catchment Counties of Humboldt, Del Norte, Mendocino Coast and Lake Counties. For more information please contact RCRC’s Executive Assistant at korsi@redwoodcoastrc.org or by phone at 707-462-3832, x 260. La Junta Directiva del Centro Regional de Redwood Coast está buscando una persona interesada, de 18 años o más, para cubrir una vacante en la junta de cualquiera de los condados de Humboldt, Del Norte, Mendocino Coast y Lake de RCRC. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con el Asistente Ejecutivo de RCRC en korsi@redwoodcoastrc.org o por teléfono al 707-462-3832, x 260.
In Case of an Emergency
Emergency preparedness information by FEMA, including an easy-to-follow Emergency Supply List, click here.
Earthquake Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities and Other Access or Functional Needs, please click here.
RCRC has provided the following links for Tsunami information:
What is a Tsunami? How to Survive a Tsunami Tsunamis in California