Regional Center Performance Contracts History

Beginning January 1, 1993, Senate Bill 1383 (McCorquodale) passed, requiring the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to enter into five-year outcome-based performance contracts through meaningful participation with each regional center’s local community. The purpose of these contracts was for regional centers to work with the communities we serve to develop five-year goals and yearly objectives in several performance standard areas.

Outcome-based performance plans must be developed through meaningful participation with each regional center’s local community. The community is essential to help prioritize the performance areas and also the possible outcomes for those served by regional centers. In order to ensure involvement, regional centers must conduct at least one public meeting, collect information from the community through focus groups or surveys, and solicit feedback whenever possible on the services and supports available.

The Department reviews the baseline and year-end information to evaluate performance. Success is demonstrated when:

  • The outcome has improved over the prior year’s baseline, or
  • The performance exceeds the statewide average, or
  • The performance equals a standard that has been defined by the Department








2016, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11
