Appeals Process for Individuals

We are committed to building strong partnerships with individuals and families, and our goal is to be responsive to each personā€™s unique circumstances and individualized service needs. However, despite our best efforts, there may be a time when an applicant, consumer, parent, or legal representative disagrees with the decision we have made.

There are many ways to advocate for yourself and we respect your right to be heard.

If you disagree with a decision we have made here at RCRC, you may ask us to review our decision, to make certain all information was considered. Most issues are resolved, informally, through this process of open discussions with your Service Coordinator or their supervisor. If the matter continues to be unresolved to your satisfaction, you may:

  • Request to speak with the RCRC Client Rights Advocate.
  • For individuals over age 3, request to participate in the Fair Hearing Process, which may include mediation, an informal hearing, or an administrative fair hearing; or for children from birth to age 3, request to participate in the Early Start Complaint Process, which may include medication or a due process hearing.
  • For complete information about the formal appeals, visit theĀ California Department of Developmental Services website

A Complaint may also be filed: Per Welfare & Institutions Code Section 4731 a) Each client of regional center services, or any representative acting on behalf of any client, who believes that any rights to which the client is entitled has been abused, punitively withheld , or improperly or unreasonably denied by a regional center, developmental center, or service provider, may pursue a complaint:

Appeals Process for Service Providers

More information about the appeals process can be found on the Department of Developmental Services website.

  • Family Home Agency AppealsĀ The Family Home Agency (FHA) appeal process can be used by a FHA applicant or vendor to appeal the following regional center actions: denial or termination of FHA vendorization; movement of a consumer from a family home approved by a vendored FHA; and/or revocation of a family homeā€™s Certificate of Approval.
  • Vendorization AppealsĀ This process can be used to appeal a denial of vendorization application, termination of vendorization, or failure of a regional center to comply with regulations.
  • Residential Facility AppealsĀ This is where a vendored community care facility may appeal the actions taken by a regional center regarding service level disapproval, sanctions, findings of substantial inadequacy or immediate danger, or enforcement of any requirement by the regional center which is not contained in Title 17, California Code of Regulations.
  • Regional Center or Vendor/Contractor Whistleblower Complaints
