Attention Service Providers: Did you receive your Provider Directory (PD) registration link email?
If no: There may be an issue preventing its delivery. The impact to PD QIP incentives eligibility is as follows:
- Service providers that DID NOT COMPLETE the data collection survey (Step 1) by October 4th did not receive a registration email. Providers in this group are ineligible for the one-time lump-sum payment and their reimbursement rate will not be updated to 100 percent of the rate model by January 1, 2025.
- You will be eligible at a future date (yet to be determined) upon completion of registration and validation steps.
- Service providers that COMPLETED the data collection survey (Step 1) but DID NOT RECEIVE an invitation to the Provider Directory will receive a registration link at a later date. Providers in this group are eligible for 100 percent rate reimbursement. The Department will be sending confirmation emails to those contacts.
- Effective January 1, 2025, your reimbursement rate will be the full rate. When you receive your invitation to the Provider Directory, you are expected to register and submit record(s) in a timely manner.
If yes: Please review the following information and submit your record(s) to be eligible for PD QIP incentives.
- Service providers that COMPLETED the data collection survey (Step 1) by October 4th and RECEIVED an invitation to the Provider Directory must submit their record(s) by November 29th to be eligible for both 100% rate reimbursement and a one-time-lump sum payment. Please visit the “Service Provider” accordion section below for next steps.
Before contacting support, please review these resources: Service Provider Training Guide, Service Provider Training Video, and FAQs Specific to Service Providers/Vendors
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