Client Leadership
The R.I.S.E. (Realizing Interdependent Success and Empowerment) paid team for Client Leadership in Home and Community-Based Services wants you!
- Have fun!
- Decide together!
- Speak out and make change!
- Get paid for your advocacy!
Seeking adults serviced by Redwood Coast Regional Center who have an interest in leadership and want to work together to improve the services we receive in our homes and communities.
- this includes day programs and licensed homes.
RCRC is recruiting clients interested in applying to be a member of the R.I.S.E. (Realizing Interdependent Success and Empowerment) Leadership Committee. Leadership Committee members will earn $50.00 per R.I.S.E. meeting that they attend. There will be a leadership committee for the Northern Counties (Humboldt and Del Norte) and the Southern Counties (Mendocino and Lake). Below are flyers and applications for each RISE Leadership Committee.
Meetings will include Leadership Training, Group-Decision Making, and Community
Meeting Schedule
- Wednesdays starting September 14th, 4-6 PM
- 2 hours/week for 6 weeks, by Zoom or phone
- $50 per week
Support to participate (including internet access) can be provided, although people should ask their existing circle of support to facilitate success as well.
To apply, please complete the application for your region below, or pick up an application from your local RCRC office. Applications due by August 14, 2022.
- RISE Application: Northern Counties (Humboldt and Del Norte)
- RISE Application: Southern Counties (Mendocino and Lake)
Questions: contact your local Client Advocate
- Northern Counties (Humboldt and Del Norte): Elizabeth Hassler | ehassler@redwoodcoastrc.org | Phone: 707-445-0893 ext. 321
- Southern Counties (Mendocino and Lake): Alex Bland | abland@redwoodcoastrc.org | Phone: 707-462-3832 ext. 280